Wednesday, January 21, 2009

My Semester from HEAVEN

I got my associates last semester, so I don’t have very many classes to take until next fall when I start my program. Thus, the SEMESTER FROM HEAVEN came to be.

I’m taking Yoga, Tennis, Latin Ballroom, Educational Psychology, Math 2020, and Technology for Educators. Educational Psychology is WAY interesting, and the technology class is pretty cool. Get ready for my next statement….

My Math Class is AWESOME.

I know you are all probably asking yourselves, “Huh? Did that seriously just come out of Ali’s mouth?” and the answer is yes, yes it did.

It’s math for elementary teachers and it’s great. Some of my favorite math projects so far have been making paper frogs and having jumping competitions in class (we used mathematical terminology while folding the paper and found the mean, median and mode of our jumps), the math SUCKers project, (we measured the circumference of our suckers after sucking them for 60 seconds, ten times, then graphed it), and when we graphed a picture of bugs bunny! I had no idea math could be fun. I’m seriously loving this stuff. Professor Cunningham is a genius I tell you!

I’ve always wanted to be a tennis player, so I figured, why not give it a shot? I’ve heard great things about our tennis instructors here at Dixie, and now I can finally experience their expertise first hand! Tennis is SO much fun and as for my instructor…A+!

Yoga is great! I’m not going to lie, when I went to my first class and the lady started chanting weird things in a foreign language, I was a little freaked out, but I’ve really grown to love it. It’s a nice class to take if you need a de-stressor during the week.

Last but DEFINITELY not least, Latin Ballroom. This is BY FAR my favorite class. Right now we’re learning the Cha Cha and it is awesome. I’ve danced most of my life, but surprisingly have never done ballroom before. Looks like I'm a natural though. Look what I can do! You can't really see my face but get the idea. ;)

OK ok thats totally not me. I know, I had ya fooled. Maybe someday something more than beads. :)


Kaylie Jean said...

im so freakin jealous right now! Im taking that same math class and im not kidding its the math class from hell! Its sooo bad...we have never done anything like that in our class...lucky!

Ali said...

Oh no way! Gosh my professor is great, but I had to pay for it last semester. It was ROUGH. haha Good luck :S

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