This past weekend was the Ambassador Red Sands weekend and it was soooo much fun!! It’s kind of like a try-out for people who want to be an ambassador next year. We went to the Dixie College cabin in Pine Valley and had a blast. We played my favorite game EVER, the couch game. This game is intense. We usually stop when we draw blood or someone loses their pants….Here’s a picture of everyone playing.
Basically if you get winked at, you have to try and bolt across the circle while the person sitting directly behind you tries to take you out. It’s awesome. We had some people who were trying out pose for a “picture” where you make a bunch of weird faces as fast as you can, and we randomly snap a photo. What they didn’t know was that we actually took a video. Check it out!!
To the right is a picture showing how the funny face game should really work.
I didn’t go to bed till about 4 am and woke up at 7 am to listen to a bunch of impromptu speeches. We had questions such as, “If you could choose to be Brittney Spears or a Spice Girl for one day, which would you choose and why?” So it was pretty entertaining.
For my Intro to Special Education class I’ve been putting in hours in East Elementary’s special education program. Because of this, I’ve been missing my Monday/Wednesday preschool classes. I love working in special education, but I’ve missed the preschoolers! Yesterday I was able to go to my Monday class, and it was great. I was welcomed back by having about 10 kids run up to me,latch onto my legs or jump into my arms and scream at the top of their lungs, “ALI! ALI!! You’re back!! We’ve missed you SO much!! ” Ah…It’s nice to be adored. ;) Hehe I’d say that was one of my favorite days in preschool.
I got new glasses. I like my glasses. A preschooler, Spencer, doesn’t.
Spencer: “Ali?”
Me: “Yes?”
Spencer: “When are you going to take those glasses off? You’re freakin’ me out!!”
I laughed and told him I couldn’t see without them so I had to wear them that day. Today I wore my contacts and he told me, “Ali you look really pretty today.” Nice. :)
LOVE the video - funny!
Miss you, sista.
I was really good at the couch game. Continuing in my traditions to be great at things no one cares about.
I just posted this exact same statement on Chelsea's blog.
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