I wouldn’t have been able to get through my finals week if it hadn’t been for the pre, mid, and post finals fun. With all the studying, testing, deadlines, and more studying involved in finals week, it is extremely important that you do things to take your mind COMPLETELY off school in order to maintain sanity. I think I definitely did that this semester…maybe a little TOO much. Hehe
I did a few things to prepare myself for finals before the hardcore studying came in. The first was ice skating.
I did a few things to prepare myself for finals before the hardcore studying came in. The first was ice skating.
With me almost falling on my face numerous times, it was hard to think about anything BUT my balance and coordination, which made it absolutely impossible to stress over the six finals I would be taking the following week. Genius, I know.
We also had an ambassador Christmas party which was a lot of fun. The white elephant gifts this year were AWESOME. We had slippers made out of…well….you can see, some of life's essentials,
My MID FINALS HELPER was a service project!
A bunch of my friends and I got the names of a couple families who needed a little help with Christmas, and we provided that help. These kids had an awesome Christmas complete with new clothes and TONS of new toys.
I wouldn’t have been able to get through my last final if I hadn’t known I would be making gingerbread houses that night. It was the thought of those little gingerbread men and their desperate need for a home that got me through that torturous two hour final.
Now I bet you are all wondering, “Did Ali’s de-stressing final mechanisms work?” The answer is:
Four A’s and two B’s…you decide!
I wouldn’t have been able to get through my last final if I hadn’t known I would be making gingerbread houses that night. It was the thought of those little gingerbread men and their desperate need for a home that got me through that torturous two hour final.
Now I bet you are all wondering, “Did Ali’s de-stressing final mechanisms work?” The answer is:
Four A’s and two B’s…you decide!