Yes, we might be a little insane, but it’s the Dixie spirit I tell you! In-n-Out catered our dinner, but before I get into that I must warn you- I do not like hamburgers. I think they are GROSS. I especially don’t like fast food hamburgers and have never EVER eaten a full one because I can’t make myself do it. I was feeling adventurous last Friday night (and very hungry) and I figured, “Why not give it a shot?” Interested to find out the outcome?...
I actually liked it! I didn’t LOVE it, but I ate the whole thing which was a first for me! You’re probably wondering why I’m sharing this with all of you, but it was a very monumental moment in my life.
We all went to the “Think Pink” basketball game which supported breast cancer! Everyone got sweet pink t-shirts and we all painted our faces! It was a grand ol’ time.
We had some mad seewhocanslidedownthebleachersfastestonamatress contests,
And partied all night playing pool, ping pong, rock bank, the wii, basketball, watching movies and of course…eating! It was a good time. The next morning we had a little presentation on admissions and scholarships and did a raffle. I’d say this retreat was another huge success.
Anyone who’s even considering coming to a DSC retreat next year, here’s a little advice: DO IT!