In light of my sister Amanda having a baby, I thought this week’s would you rather should probably have something to do with babies or child birth. :) Men, you can answer this question if you want, but I already know what you’ll say.
Would you rather….
Have men experience the pains of childbirth along with you?
Be able to eat anything you want without gaining any weight?
I’ve thought long and hard about this one, and the only thing that comes to mind is EPIDURAL. As long as I can have one, I’d be happy to give birth. Ok well maybe not HAPPY, but you get the idea.
I’d much rather be able to eat anything I want without gaining weight than make my husband suffer with me. Although that is a pretty entertaining thought…And depending on how good of a husband some may have, answers very well may change. Mwahahaha Ok that is just cruel.
So tell me, what would YOU rather?
Congratulations, Amanda! And Welcome to my new niece Taylor Jayce!!
p.s. I named her. Yeah I know, I'm kind of a big deal ;)
Eating without gaining weight would be EPIC!
I'm kind of a big deal...Haha! Funny.
Ok this one is TOO EASY. Eating any and everything without gaining. I love food too much to pass that one up.
Eat anything I want! Oh wait...I do that already...
ok.. I figured I would comment since you haven't posted in like.. .FOREVA! :)
As much as I would for a Doctor to be yelling "PUSH, PUSH" and seeing Jim scream like a lady.. I just can't pass up being able to eat as much as I want and not gain any weight! It's every womans dream !!
I usually eat chocolate and other fat food, cause is so delicious I can't stop!!but i always be slim! haha I never be fat, and eat very much! but remember fat is running through my blood :(
Anyway I fight it doing sport ^^
Sorry my english is so bad haha
I'm from Spain!
Health & Republic
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